Interface tools to manage complexity and mitigate anxiety - Liese Zahabi The promise of the Internet has been overshadowed by a sense of overload and anxiety for many users. Information-triage is the process of sorting, grouping, categorizing, prioritizing, storing and retrieving information in order to make sense and use of it. This work examines the role of visual design in the online search process, connects it to the nature of human attention and the limitations of working memory, and suggests metaphoric ways to support users with information-triage systems. The talk focuses on a set of three speculative online search interfaces and user-testing sessions conducted with college students to explore the possibilities for information-triage. Data Visualizations in Analytics: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities - Sean Barnes Data visualization is a critical tool for communicating the results and insights derived from analytical and computational modeling, including methodologies such as machine learning, simulation, and optimization. I will share my experience of using data visualization for research, highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities as well as the tools and resources that I have found most useful. Visualizing Innovation Ecosystems: Networks, Events and the Challenges of Policy and Practice - C. Scott Dempwolf Innovation network modelers use large administrative datasets including patents and research grants in new ways to create novel visualizations of entrepreneurial ecosystems using NodeXL. Their models are used by policymakers and economic developers to accelerate research commercialization by identifying collaboration opportunities between university research and industry. Examples include the Illinois Science & Technology Roadmap; the emergence of innovation clusters in Pennsylvania; and local applications in Maryland’s Howard and St. Mary’s counties. Currently, working with co-PI Ben Shneiderman and the EventFlow team in HCIL, Scott uses NodeXL, EventFlow, and CoCo to analyze sequences of innovation activities.